Configuring Netscape 7 Mail
1. Open Netscape.
2. Go to Window and select Mail and Newsgroups.
3. If the Account Wizard does not immediately pop up, go to the Edit menu and select Mail and Newsgroup Account Settings. Click Add Account.
4. Select Email Account. Click Next.
5. Enter your Name and Email Address. Click Next.
6. Select POP for the type of mail server.
7. Enter for Incoming Server.
8. If this is your only mail account, enter whatever your ISP provides (ex: or for Outgoing Server. If you have an existing mail account and want to change the Outgoing Server, you may change it after finishing the wizard. Click Next.
9. Enter your Username. Click Next.
10.Give your account a name. Click Next.
11. Click Finish. You have successfully configured Netscape 7 Mail!